Joseph Gillott Nibs

Joseph Gillott brandname


Gillott Copperplate, Drawing and Mapping nibs:

# For people using these nibs for Copperplate, see the nibs springiness noted as SOFT, MEDIUM or HARD.

Gillott 291.

Gillott 291 Drawing
Gillott 291 Drawing/mapping nib

$1.80 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 291 Drawing/mapping nib

Gillott 291 drawing

Gillott 291, a fine yet flexible drawing or mapping nib, selling at AUD$1.80 each.

Gillott 1950.

Gillott 1950 Drawing
Gillott 1950 Drawing nib

$2.45 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 1950 Drawing nib

Gillott 1950 drawing

Gillott 1950, for a sharp, crisp line sketching nib.
A bit much on the soft side for a copperplaters nib, Selling for $2.45 each.
# We currently have a SPECIAL OLD NIB in stock. Made by William Mitchell in the old days, it is a stainless steel version of the above Gillott 1950, the nib has almost exactly the same features, except it will last much longer and not rust. See this item the Universal Lithographic No.0620.

Gillott 404.

Gillott 404 Drawing
Gillott 404 Drawing/Copperplate

$1.70 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 404 Drawing/Copperplate nib

Gillott 404 drawing

Gillott 404, a fine yet flexible sketching nib, moves well in any direction.
A medium springiness copperplaters nib, Selling for AUD$1.70 each.

Gillott 1068a.

Gillott 1068a Drawing
Gillott 1068a Drawing nib

$1.90 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 1068a Drawing nib

Gillott 1068a drawing

Gillott 1068a, a very strong and firm sketching nib.
A stiffer than medium springiness for Copperplaters. Selling for AUD$1.90 each.

Gillott 659.

Gillott 659 Drawing
Gillott 659 Drawing nib

$2.80 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 659 Drawing nib

Gillott 659 drawing

Gillott 659, Super soft, a very fine tip sketching nib.
Use as a drawing or mapping nib.
Just a nib is AUD$2.80 each.
# This nib needs a special tubular socket mapping handle.

Rexel Reversible Handle with Gillott 659.

Gillott 659 with handle
Rexel Handle with Gillott 659 nib

$6.80 each

Parcel code 0
1x Rexel Handle with Gillott 659 nib
The REVERSIBLE handle feature for this Gillott 659 nib, makes the nib storable inside the barrel of the handle, while the nib is not in use.
A Super soft, very fine tip sketching nib.
Use as a drawing or mapping nib. The set is AUD$6.80 each.

Gillott 1290 Drawing nib.

Gillott 1290
Gillott 1290

$2.05 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 1290 drawing nib

Gillott 1290, a small firm sketching nib, with a medium spring tip. Although sharply pointed the nibs tip is turned up slightly, to add broader-sidestrokes & not catch on paper. Selling for AUD$2.05 each.

Gillott 290 Drawing nib.

Gillott 290 Drawing
Gillott 290 Drawing

$4.45 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 290 drawing nib

Gillott 290 drawing

Gillott 290, a very strong and firm sketching nib.
Stiffer than a Gillott 291. Selling for AUD$4.45 each.

Gillott 170 Drawing/copperplate nib.

Gillott 170
Gillott 170

$1.60 each

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 170 drawing nib

Gillott 170, a strong and firm sketching nib,
With around a medium springiness for Copperplaters
(stiffer than the most popular Gillott 303). Selling for AUD$1.60 each.

Copperplate with Gillott 303

The prominent French calligrapher Jean Larcher (1947–2015) produced this excellent sample of copperplate writing, using one of his favourite nibs, the following Gillott 303.

Gillott 303.

Gillott 303 Drawing
Gillott 303 Drawing/Copperplate nib

$0.00 OUT of STOCK

Parcel code 0
1x Gillott 303 drawing nib

Gillott 303 drawing

Gillott 303, A soft, fine tip sketching nib.
Among Gillott nibs this is the most popular for really good copperplate.
# A sharp tipped, medium/soft springiness nib.
Normal retail AUD$2.65 each.

  Last minor update January 2024